April 23, 2009

Do you want to learn henna ?

Anyone can do henna.Its very easy to get started and it gives satisfaction at the end of your attempt :-). To jump start your henna process you will at the very basic level require:
--> Readymade henna cone.
--> Basic idea of flowers,leaves,mangoes,spirals,fillings or a henna book would help.
--> Waste cloth, paper, pen and Scissors.

Now we are good to go.Follow the below steps :

Step 1: Frame your own design using the different shapes you know or using books.Online henna patterns are also abundantly available.With the help of paper and pen,just have a rough henna design done on the paper by mixing and matching shapes.It is not mandatory to draw them perfect.

Step 2: Cut the tip of the cone with scissors so that the paste comes out not too thick or thin.

Step 3: Try out few shapes on waste paper with the cone.Once you feel you are ready,so are you.

Step 4: Here we started.Try out the design on your hand.

Its always the case that the first attempt might not look perfect.But always remember practice and interest would take you to heights.Try drawing on paper and then on hand.It will definitely help.Always use your imagination and creativity rather than copying designs from the beginning.Then very soon you will also become an innovative henna artist.

Tips :

If you feel you might make a mistake on trying it out on your hand,try tracing a light impression of the design on your hand before starting.

Always draw starting from wrist portion to fingers.

If you are not happy about the design it can be washed off immediately with soap and you can try on a different design as soon as you've finished applying.

Here are few sample shapes and fillings that might hely you get busy with henna cones.

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